Horizon 2020
Here are just some of the Topic Summaries and Deadlines. Contact us for more information: info@globaltolocal.com or call 44 (0)7825 993140
Scope: Proposals should adopt an integrated urban metabolism approach and inter-disciplinary research and innovation and take into account the gender dimension where relevant. Proposals should involve active engagement of local authorities, citizens and other relevant stakeholders, using innovative concepts such as mobilisation and mutual learning. Proposals shall address only one of the following issues:
A) Eco Innovation Strategies or B) Eco Innovation Solutions
Scope: Development of technological options and strategies to fight against air pollution in urban environments and against climate change, ensuring the involvement of the main pollution-generation sectors. Proposals should include the development and application of tools in support of integrated air quality and climate change governance in EU Member States, with the aim of designing and implementing adequate abatement strategies and practices. The specific circumstances of the different regions and cities of Europe and the complex systems dynamics of societal and technological changes required for a transition to air pollution free/low carbon society should be taken into account. Proposals should foster the integration of advanced tools for the assessment, monitoring, modelling – including source apportionment – with innovative technological options and strategies to improve air quality and reduce the carbon footprint of urban areas. Furthermore, awareness-raising actions and policy support activities should be included. Proposals should include the participation of SMEs, as far as possible.
Scope: Proposals should develop for conceptually coherent ecosystem types tools, approaches, methodologies and methods to assess and predict the effectiveness relative to their stated objectives – including both cost-effectiveness and benefits in relation to biodiversity and ecosystem services – of environmental restoration measures. They should engage the whole restoration community (business, academia, including social sciences and humanities, public administrations and civil society) in a major initiative to exchange experiences, identify strengths, weaknesses and best practices, encourage new techniques and technologies, and share information, knowledge and know-how in order to promote effective and sustainable restoration activities across the EU.
Proposals should use pilot projects or case studies, including a demonstration phase.
Global to Local can assist you to:
[2015] Demonstration/pilot activities of new or improved innovative water solutions in a real environment, with a focus on the cross cutting priorities identified in the EIP on Water, while addressing the thematic priorities.
[2015] Integrated approaches to food security, low-carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation:
Proposals should aim to:
develop tools and methodologies for integrating agriculture, forestry, climate change impacts and adaptation with climate-energy-economic models and land-use models, using a multi-disciplinary approach;
consider the potential role, contributions and limitations of low-carbon options with respect to land and water resources;
develop a better scientific understanding of the land-water-energy-climate nexus;
develop integrated strategies and approaches, at different spatial scales (regional, national, continental, global), integrating resource efficient land use, agricultural productivity improvements, sustainable water management and low carbon energy transition and analysing interactions with the existing regulatory frameworks in these areas and the potential barriers to implementation.
Scope: The SME instrument consists of three separate phases and a coaching and mentoring service for beneficiaries. Participants can apply to phase 1 with a view to applying to phase 2 at a later date, or directly to phase 2.
Expected impact:
Enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities.
Market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific Challenge of 'Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials' in a sustainable way.
Increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments.