We provide practical advice and tools for organisations to future-proof their operations against the predicted effects of climate change.
We explore with organisations what sustainability means to them and how to build self-reliance.
We can assist in new ways of working across organisations, teams, sectors and partnerships.
Through better spatial planning and more effective management of green and blue infrastructure, communities can be made more climate resilient.
“During periods of high temperatures residents of urban areas will suffer significantly. This is because buildings store heat and contribute to the urban heat island (UHI) effect.3 This can result in temperature differences of up to 7°C between centres of large conurbations such as London and their surrounding rural areas.”
(R.L. Wilby: ‘Past and projected trends in London’s urban heat island’. Weather, 2003, Vol. 58, 251-260)
“Regional and local spatial planning and urban design can provide solutions that will make our communities less vulnerable to these risks. Green infrastructure such as gardens, parks, productive landscapes, green corridors, and green roofs and walls, and blue infrastructure such as water bodies, rivers, streams, floodplains and sustainable drainage systems, play a vital role in creating climate-resilient development.” (R. Shaw, M. Colley and R. Connell: Climate Change Adaptation by Design: A Guide for Sustainable Communities. TCPA, 2007. www.tcpa.org.uk)