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Implementing sustainable procurement:
overcoming common barriers

A report commissioned by WRAP that reinforces many of the long-held views about the need to adopt an integrated change management approach to deliver combined environmental, social and economic outcomes.

Within the public sector there are common barriers that repeatedly hold back commissioning and procurement from playing its full part in delivering sustainability outcomes. This research has shown that there are some common and workable solutions that enabled our delegates to embed sustainability into their organisation's policy and practice. Click to view the summary or the full research report.






Sustainable Procurement

Our services include public and private procurement; procurement standards and specifications; procurement tool development; procurement skills and training; benchmarking and procurement practice; procurement advocacy and engagement; supply chain development and strategy.

Strategic commissioning and service re-design for outcomes-based commissioning, radical efficiency and productivity.

We provided the secretariat for the National Sustainable Commissioning and Procurement Programme (NSCPP).

We acted as UK Co-ordinator for the EU funded SMART SPP project, which involved working with partners in the UK, Portugal, Spain and Denmark to encourage the procurement of technologies designed to reduce energy consumption.www.smart-spp.eu

We publish opinion and information on procurement via eg magazine



Green Public Procurement (GPP) –
Making the most of free online resources

See Presentation
(Download and save PDF
to access the notes)

Fay Blair, Associate of Global to Local and a Defra-accredited trainer for the National Sustainable Public Procurement Programme (NSPPP) gave a presentation on the 5 'touchstones'.



